Fairway Breast Cancer Event

$$$ for breast cancer research. Just wanted to let Stamford Fairway shoppers know that if you shop at Fairway from now through March 5th and keep your receipts, the store will donate 5% to the American Cancer Society for breast cancer research. Either bring or send the receipts to SpinOdyssey, P.O. #457, Westport, CT 06881-0457.

The 12th annual SpinOdyssey indoor bicycling and fitness event, which supports the American Cancer Society and also Norwalk Hospital’s Whittingham Cancer Center breast cancer research trials. will take place on March 6th, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., at Intensity Fitness & Tennis Club, 490 Westport Ave., Norwalk. Fairway will provide edible goodies for the event. To learn more about it, go to www.spinodyssey.org